Ferns, lycophytes, and their extinct free-sporing relatives
Pelazoneuron ovatum
Pelazoneuron ovatum(R.P. St.John) A.R. Sm. & S.E. Fawc.
Family: Thelypteridaceae
[Christella ovata (R. St. John) A. & D. Löve, moreChristella ovata var. ovata , Cyclosorus ovatus (R. St. John) Mazumdar & Mukhop., Dryopteris normalis var. harperi C.Chr., Dryopteris ovata (R. St. John) Brown, Dryopteris ovata var. harperi (C.Chr.) M.Broun, Thelypteris normalis var. harperi (C.Chr.) Wherry, Thelypteris ovata R. St. John, Thelypteris ovata var. harperi (C.Chr.) R.P.St.John ex Small, Thelypteris ovata var. ovata]
Stems usually long-creeping, 3--6 mm diam. Leaves monomorphic, evergreen, (0.5--)1--4 cm apart, (30--)55--135(--165) cm. Petiole straw-colored, 15--80 cm × 2--6 mm, at base with tan to brownish, linear-lanceolate, hairy scales. Blade about equaling petiole length, broadest at base, gradually to somewhat abruptly tapered to pinnatifid apex. Pinnae (5--)10--25 × 0.8--2.2 cm, incised 4/5 of width; segments oblique, somewhat curved, basal pair from middle pinnae often elongate parallel to rachis; proximal pair of veins from adjacent segments reaching margin at or just above sinus. Indument abaxially of hairs mostly 0.2--0.5 mm on costae, veins, and blade tissue, also sometimes of a few tan scales on costae and rachises; blades adaxially glabrous except along rachises and costae. Sori round, supramedial to inframarginal; indusia tan, hairy, hairs mostly 0.2--0.4 mm; sporangia glabrous. 2 n = 72.