University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Pteridophytes (extant) (NCU-Pteridophytes)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) is a Department of the North Carolina Botanical Garden of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The vascular plant collection is world-wide in scope, and focuses on the native flora of the Southeastern United States. Our pteridophyte collection is world-wide in scope, with approximately 50% of the specimens from the Southeastern United States. NCU also curates plant fossils (esp. Devonian and collections of Patricia Gensel), fungi (esp. collections of William Chambers Coker, John Nathaniel Couch, Arthur Bliss Seymour), lichens (esp. collections of Gary Perlmutter), bryophytes, and algae (esp. red marine algae of temperate zones and collections of Max Hommersand and Paul Gabrielson). NCU is open to the public & welcomes researchers; contact Curator to reserve on-campus parking permit. STATEMENT ON OFFENSIVE CONTENT ON SPECIMEN LABELS: Collection records NCU may contain language that reflects historical place or taxon names in an original form that is no longer acceptable or appropriate in an inclusive environment. Because NCU preserves data in their original form to retain authenticity and facilitate research, we have chosen to facilitate conversations and are committed to address the problem of racial, derogatory and demeaning language that may be found in our database. Insensitive or offensive language is not condoned by NCU.

Herbarium Curatrix: Carol Ann McCormick,, +1-919-962-6931
Curatrix of Fossils: Patricia Gensel,
Herbarium Director: Alan Weakley,, +1-919-962-0522
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 17 October 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Cite this collection:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Pteridophytes (extant). Occurrence dataset (ID: 2c2cb435-667d-484c-88a8-39bcc754e8c8) accessed via the PteridoPortal Portal,, 2024-11-02).
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
North Carolina Botanical Garden
CB 3280 Coker Hall, 120 South Road
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC   27599-3280
Collection Statistics
  • 19,781 specimen records
  • 9,222 (47%) georeferenced
  • 18,719 (95%) with images (40,309 total images)
  • 28 GenBank genetic references
  • 18,889 (95%) identified to species
  • 44 families
  • 209 genera
  • 1,548 species
  • 1,770 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution